Thursday, February 19, 2009

The world according to americans

Elephants on Acid

tusko21¨What happens if you give an elephant LSD? On Friday August 3, 1962, a group of Oklahoma City researchers decided to find out.

Warren Thomas, Director of the City Zoo, fired a cartridge-syringe containing 297 milligrams of LSD into Tusko the Elephant’s rump. With Thomas were two scientific colleagues from the University of Oklahoma School of Medicine, Louis Jolyon West and Chester M. Pierce.

297 milligrams is a lot of LSD — about 3000 times the level of a typical human dose. In fact, it remains the largest dose of LSD ever given to a living creature. The researchers figured that, if they were going to give an elephant LSD, they better not give him too little.

Thomas, West, and Pierce later explained that the experiment was designed to find out if LSD would induce musth in an elephant — musth being a kind of temporary madness male elephants sometimes experience during which they become highly aggressive and secrete a sticky fluid from their temporal glands. But one suspects a small element of ghoulish curiosity might also have been involved.

Whatever the reason for the experiment, it almost immediately went awry. Tusko reacted to the shot as if a bee had stung him. He trumpeted around his pen for a few minutes, and then keeled over on his side. Horrified, the researchers tried to revive him, but about an hour later he was dead. The three scientists sheepishly concluded that, “It appears that the elephant is highly sensitive to the effects of LSD.”

In the years that followed controversy lingered over whether it was the LSD that killed Tusko, or the drugs used to revive him. So twenty years later, Ronald Siegel of UCLA decided to settle the debate by giving two elephants a dose similar to what Tusko received. Reportedly he had to sign an agreement promising to replace the animals in the event of their deaths.

Instead of injecting the elephants with LSD, Siegel mixed the drug into their water, and when it was administered in this way, the elephants not only survived but didn’t seem too upset at all. They acted sluggish, rocked back and forth, and made some strange vocalizations such as chirping and squeaking, but within a few hours they were back to normal. However, Siegel noted that the dosage Tusko received may have exceeded some threshold of toxicity, so he couldn’t rule out that LSD was the cause of his death. The controversy continues.¨

De alguna parte de Stumbleupon.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

De vez en cuando.

4 años en negro.

No más caldos del Caldero.

Parece que este año empieza tarde.

Hace mucho escuché esta cancion de Anathema, bastante bonita, bastante triste. Rifa escucharla.

"Life.. has betrayed me once again
I accept that some things will never change.
I've let your tiny minds magnify my agony
and it's left me with a chemical dependency for sanity.

Yes, I am falling... how much longer 'till I hit the ground?
I can't tell you why I'm breaking down.
Do you wonder why I prefer to be alone?
Have I really lost control?

I'm coming to an end,
I've realized what I could have been.
I can't sleep so I take a breath and hide behind my bravest mask,
I admit I've lost control
Lost control..."

Lost control, Anathema.

te quiero.

Si quieres escucharla da click aqui.

Monday, February 16, 2009


Sería agradable estar en mi viejo neon, lleva meses sin moverse, pero entro de vez en cuando. Me gusta estar ahi aunque no haya mucho por hacer, veo cosas viejas que dejé desde el choque, una pulsera, cd's de musica, un parabrisas a punto de quebrarse. Veo el fuego de una zanahoria soltar cierto humo musical. Hoy me gustaría estar bajo ese techo, bajo esta lluvia, bajo aquel sueño.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

I've been frozen for 30 years...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Ganzfeld effect

Yeah, nueva canción de psy, el embarazo solo duró este fin de semana :). 

Por el momento llevo 4 de este tipo.

Ganzfeld Effect.

4 Chords, 36 Songs

4 Chords, 36 Songs

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Wtf, estoy en la escuela y alguien esta escuchando de rancheras a dimmu borgir...WTF.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

ride the sky...

o un monociclo :D .......y que hueva moverle al contraste para que se vea mejor